Monday, December 7, 2009

Long cold weekend

Well the winter has finally struck. I do not know why i feel like sleeping till noon and then convincing myself that things will paint themselves. But i try.

I was watching two guys relatively new to 40k play thru a small game this weekend. I watched a dreadnought dance back and forth around a building hiding from a shotta mob with no heavy weapons. Some times i think the AoBR set should com with a tactics sheet for each army. Warmachine books have little tactical entries in each book along with the rules. After i told him that nothing in that 30 boyz mob could hurt him he proceeded to wipe them out in a turn or two.

So back to the desk and no more excuses time to paint!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Priming the masses for a winter of seclusion

It comes to that time of year, when most hobbyist try to prime up everything they will work on during winter. For me this is hard because the winds of fancy can change in a heartbeat.

Current projects:

Warmachine Retribution & Khador
40K Deathwing, pre-heresy marines & Ravenwing
Uncharted seas fleet
20mm WWII Russian army
Reaper role-playing fig out the arse
A War of the Rings Harad army for a league

So i am not looking forward to the amount of primed figs that will occupy my tiny space this coming up month.

This is also the time i enjoy tiding up my boxes of reference material. As a historical gamer i have my mountain of books to maintain and its now falling over so its off the the store to buy some boxes to pack a thousand or so dollars in reference books away till they can find a proper shelf.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

The ending of 09 projects

As every year comes to a end I realize that i have to many projects to even think about.
Warmachine, 40k, fantasy, wotr, and about 100 reaper packs yearn for some paint love. And now ive had the pull of a preheresy thousand sons army, lots o jet bikes. so let the holiday start with a fresh set of paints brushes